Take Your First Step Toward 

Autonomy, Control and Freedom!

What is it costing you to...

> Work round the clock, face never-ending deadlines, demands and emails, feel beholden to getting it all done, while trying to be the woman, spouse, daughter, sister and friend you want to be?

> Lack sleep, not work out and have your stomach constantly in knots?

Feel confused, endlessly ambivalent, not know where to begin?

You are in the right place.

> Want relief from the grind and to stop feeling like you're failing on all fronts.

> Are praying for someone to give you a hand and guide you through.

> Can wait no longer to prioritize your mental and physical well being!

If this resonates... Introducing WILL Start.

Begin your journey out of (big) law here and now.

In WILL Start learn to...

> Feel alive and joyful as you enhance and replenish your energy

> Create new rituals that slow you down, bring you into presence so you connect with yourself and your loved ones

> Regain control as you respond to those pesky external circumstances (emails, calls, clients, your kids, the dog) with intention, focus and thoughtfulness

> Know YOUR TOP FIVE STRENGTHS and wield them like your super-power sword!

> Develop inner calm, joy and self-satisfaction as you shut down your inner critics and cultivate new thoughts that inspire, energize and activate you!

"WILL is one of the best investments that I have ever made."

– Karen, New York City

Sound good?

How WILL Start works

Once you enroll, gain immediate access to curated content you can access anytime, anywhere. Show-up for the LIVE WILL Community Calls. Have your questions answered by Elena and receive loving support from other WILL members.   

Move through the lessons at your own pace and apply them as you show up in the community. Enjoy LIFETIME access to the course and three months of WILL Community Calls.  

As soon as you enroll, begin...

  • Take the quiz: “Are You in an Energy Crisis?” in one of Harvard Business Review’s most shared article  
  • Apply strategies to boost your energy and reclaim YOUR time
  • Control when you move through the short lessons (most under 10 minutes) 
  • Feel happier and more aligned as you use your StrengthsFinder results at work, home and within yourself 
  • Mark your calendar, set boundaries and bring your questions and challenges to our WILL Community Calls

In WILL, everyone says, ‘Go for it!’ There's this sense of freedom here where you're safe to be able to be 100% yourself.” 

- Hilary, NYC

WILL Community Calls - where MAGIC happens!
  • Connect with and be uplifted by other smart, kind, ambitious women lawyers in these twice a month calls facilitated by Elena
  • Watch other women proactively change their lives and begin to believe, “If they can do it, I can too!”
  • Enjoy breakthroughs, release energy and take inspired new action

Check out these bonuses! 

BONUS #1: For WILL members ONLY intimate conversations with amazing women who’ve left (big) law 

Listen to the stories of FIVE amazing women who left (big) law. Some left to start their own business, others took their legal skills to do work far more meaningful and fulfilling. 


  • Okeoma Moronu, Host of The Happy Lawyer Podcast
  • Shinah Chang - Creator of Crooked Caligraphy
  • Goli Kalkhoran - Entrepreneur, coach and host of Lessons From a Quitter Podcast
  • Liz Brown - Former law partner, college professor and author of Life After Law
  • Angela Fernandez, NY State Commissioner of Human Rights

You won’t hear these off-the record conversations anywhere else!

BONUS #2: WILL Resource List  Save time and cut through the noise. Begin with this curated list I share only with WILL members. These are the top resources I recommend to begin to expand your sense of what's possible and change your life.

"Law firms train associates to feel small. But rather than let them have the power and control, I now know that in fact, I am in control here."

- Rebecca, Los Angeles

Taught by Elena Deutsch

Elena F. Deutsch, MPH, Founder and CEO of WILL – Women Interested in Leaving (big) Law, helps women lawyers step into their power, ditch soul-sucking jobs and lead a career and life they love.  

As a child she thought she’d be a lawyer like her dad, but after watching his career and health implode, she avoided law school and sought work that leveraged her talents and felt meaningful. 

Public health provided that path at first, but once Elena discovered coaching she felt at home.  She completed her coach training at NYU and coached everyone from surgeons to CEOs.  In her previous business, as a Parther with Wildfire Strategies, she got to coach rising female associates for some of the world's largest firms.   

She got to work with brilliant women lawyers who were stymied, frustrated and unable to bring all they want to the world and their work.  She saw them struggle against subtle and overt sexism, racism and embeded patriarchy, both within themselves and in firm cultures.  This cracked her heart open. 

The year she turned 50, the words women interested in leaving law flowed out of her pen while up at dawn during a Cape Cod vacation.  She knew this brought everything she wanted to do, be and offer the world, together.

Elena stands for the liberation of women lawyers to powerfully claim their personal, professional, spiritual and economic freedom and do work in the world that’s joyful, meaningful, and has a big impact!  Or at least allows them to sleep well at night, and be the best person they can be. 

Her work has been featured in The American Lawyer, Bloomberg Big Law Business, Above the Law, and more. She regularly leads workshops for the DC Bar, NY County Lawyers Association and the New York City Bar Association. Elena co-writes an AMA: Ask Me Anything Career Column in Above the Law.  

Elena lives in NYC with her family and enjoys watching WILL members strut out of (big) law with confidence as they hit “send” on their goodbye email without burning bridges, and walk securely into new opportunities.

"I started working with Elena in August of 2018, and it has been life changing. I feel like, ‘No, this horrible job is just temporary.’ That mindset shift alone has yielded me far bigger returns on my investment than I could have anticipated."

- Gina, Philadelphia

Results You Can Anticipate by Doing WILL Start...

  • Experience RELIEF that you have finally begun to address the ambivalence, doubt and heartache about work.
  • Live with greater calm, peace and joy as you upgrade your mindset from meek to mighty, silence those inner critics, and choose new thoughts that energize and galvanize you!
  • Leverage your natural gifts and talents to make your work (and life) easier and more aligned with who you truly are. 
  • Witness in real life, other women lawyers making powerful choices about their careers that inspire new ideas and action.
  • Feel HAPPIER as you treat yourself with more kindness, compassion and love.  

WILL Start isn't for everyone...

WILL Start is NOT for you if you...

... want a magic bullet or quick fix

...expect someone to do it for you... we wish we could!

...are not willing to experience some discomfort as you try out new tools

WILL Start IS for you if you...

...READY to take a new action because what you’ve been doing is NOT working.

...WILLING to receive help, guidance and release the belief that “I should be able to do this on my own.” 

...ABLE to explore and allow that person inside, the one who knows you are meant for more, and that life can be better than this, out to play! 


If you want 1:1 support, and to figure out what else you could do, another WILL program may be for you. Schedule a call with Elena here.

Experience a taste of control, freedom and energy... 

Begin WILL Start today!


What if I can’t make use of the course?

You have lifetime access to the course. You can listen now or later. If you download the app, you can take it with you and fit it in when you can.

What if the Community Calls are at a bad time for me?

Two things… First, you can submit your question to Elena ahead of time and she’ll do her best to address it on the call. Then you can listen to the recording as soon as the next day.

Second, setting boundaries is a skill you will learn to develop in WILL Start. You can practice by setting what’s most important to YOU.

What if there are other people from my firm in the group? Can I remain anonymous?  

Yes, you can. We will work with you to protect your anonymity while you still participate fully.

Get started now!

"In WILL it's easier to give yourself permission to take incremental baby steps."

- Daria, Los Angeles